Testing for Combustion By-Products - December 23, 2020
What are Combustion-by-Products?
- Combustion-by-Products are small particles and gases that result from the incomplete combustion of fuels like wood and fossil fuels.
- Particles associated with Combustion-by-Products include Soot (very fine black carbon based powder produced by incomplete combustion), Char (carbon based material produced by incomplete combustion, larger in size than Soot particles) and Ash (material left behind after complete combustion of a material that has the potential to be corrosive)
- Gases associated with Combustion-by-Products include water vapor, CO and CO2 (Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide; 2 odorless, colorless gases produced by combustion), VOCs and sVOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds; organic chemicals that “off-gas” from materials)
Why should you test for Combustion-by-Products?
- In the event that there is an insurance claim that needs to be made regarding fire damage of any kind, laboratory results can assist in the determination what items are able to be salvaged, the extent of clean-up needed, and verification that the area is clean after work has been completed.
- Within these particles and gasses there can also be contaminants of heavy metals such as Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb) and Chromium (Cr).
- These ultrafine particles, gases and heavy metals can contribute to a number of respiratory irritation and triggers.
- All of these contaminants can linger in the air, land on hard or porous surfaces, and even pollute water. It is very important to test the affected areas for contamination, paying close attention to the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) system.
Stohl Environmental can assist you in testing for Combustion-by-Products (CBP). Please call for testing as soon as possible after the event of a fire. Stohl Environmental can provide timely site response and can test surfaces and contents for CBP, in addition to Mold and other hazardous materials that may be associated with fire damage.

Stohl Environmental Participates in Corporate Challenge Race - July 17, 2018
After a hiatus of a few years, the staff at Stohl Environmental once again participated in the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge which took place on June 14, 2018. In our summer intensive schedule of Asbestos Air / Project Monitoring and Asbestos, Lead Paint and Mold Abatement work there is sometimes little time for the fun summertime activities that Buffalo and Western New York have to offer. All the Stohl Environmental, LLC runners and walkers thought it was well worth it to get away from the office after work and enjoy a beautiful summer night filled with physical fitness, good food and comradery. From our in-house First Place finisher, Paul Maier to the tag team efforts of Mike Macie and Sean Hanley, and those in the middle of the pack, fun was had by all.
Thanks from all of us at Stohl Environmental to Frontier Industrial Corporation and Savarino Companies for letting us share their tent and wonderful hospitality. The burgers and sausages were great!

Stohl Environmental Summer Hires - June 8, 2018
Stohl Environmental, LLC is currently preparing for a busy summer season. Senior staff members welcomed new employees while taking a quick break from training. Time to soak up some sun and have some lunch on a beautiful spring day!
Fun and games will be short lived though as the summer season means lots of environmental remediation work in schools. With a finite period of time during summer recess, schools have to move quickly to abate Asbestos and Lead before children return in the fall. Stohl Environmental is excited to help with these projects and assist school districts in staying on-time and on-budget.

Stohl Environmental Museum - May 30, 2018
Stohl Environmental, LLC and Stohl Remediation Services Inc. have completed construction of the first phase of our Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint and Hazmat museum. For 30 years we have been collecting examples of Hazardous Material History and storing them in a cardboard box that we laughingly called the “Museum.” We would bring out the Museum to use for in house OSHA, NYSDOL and EPA training of new staff members. Our New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and EPA Certified Training Classes are able to view the display while they take the class. We would sometimes even pack up the museum for a road trip to a client Lunch and Learn presentation. Gone is the cardboard box, and new for us is a display case that is worthy of a safe and permanent exhibition of our collection.
Items on display include: Magnesium / Asbestos Pipe Insulation, Sales Display Pack of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tile (VAT), Asbestos Fireproof Mitt, Furnace Cement, Aircell Asbestos Pipe Insulation, Vermiculite and a selection of original asbestos manufacturer stickers. Of particular interest is an antique baseball glove that is lined with asbestos. Yes, asbestos was used in almost everything!
While the asbestos items in our display are interesting to us, and useful as a teaching tool, we need to remember that the use of asbestos caused widespread Mesothelioma, Asbestos and Lung Cancer. There is no cure for an asbestos related disease.

Earth Day Project - May 15, 2018
Employees and Partners at Stohl Environmental LLC, Stohl Remediation Services Inc. and RJS Environmental completed a neighborhood clean-up project. Our office and shop is located in Hamburg, behind fast food, restaurant and retail stores and a significant amount of plastic and paper waste follows the prevailing winds to accumulate in trees, brush and ditches in the neighborhood. Although our efforts were somewhat behind the official Earth Day events, we did our little part to help this small corner of the world look a little better.

Stohl Participates in the 2018 Envirun 5K - April 21, 2018
Stohl Environmental participated in the 2018 Envirun 5K race on Saturday April 21, 2018. The race is organized by the Air Waste Management Association and takes place on the scenic Niagara River Gorge. From left to Right, Paul Maier, Danielle Carra, Kathy Filipski, Eric Henderson and his dog Hudson.
Paul Maier took third place in his age group. Great Race Paul!